Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Hudson Tragedy

All those who know me know very well that I believe we are in the end times of this world. Not to freak anyone out but I am a Christian and it is our belief that some day, the world will come to an end and then there will be heaven, hell, bla bla bla. 

Seriously, why would anyone go to a house, kill a woman, her son, and then take a young child from his home? This person then gives false hope to the family only for them to later find the young boy dealt the same fate as his grandmother and uncle; shot to death and abandoned in a vehicle.

Every time I think about it, I get a shiver. My bloods boils but chills all at the same time. Are we humans now so cold that a person could look at the innocence of Julian King, a 7 yr old who has never done anything to anyone, and shoot him repeatedly? We need to ask ourselves what is happening to the human race. We now behave like animals, worse though, because unlike animals, we were given the ability to have consciences and to FEEL.

My heart goes out to the Hudsons in this trying time. I pray for them all the time and I also pray for the person who did this because to be able to do something like that, you can't have a heart. And a person without a heart... now that's someone that needs prayer.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hating on love

Yesterday night was Dance battle in my college. Like groups compete against each other, and then there is a winner who wins cash. ah. oh well my friends won so i was happy but i didnt celebrate like i normally would. Why? Cos i was being sad/pissed thanks to my boyfriend. I wont go into the details but basically he said i did something which i totally did not do and even after explaining to him that i did not do it, he was still giving me attitude.

And now i am sitting here with a friend of mine who just got brutally dumped by her boyfriend about 3 weeks ago and thinking how complex the whole issue of love and relationships is. Its pretty amazing that the one person who makes you smile (or is supposed to!) is the person that always makes you sad or hurts you the most. The irony!

Well before any wrong ideas are gotten, i ain't condemnin anyone. Just saying if ur gonna be in a relationship, be very prepared. Its not as nice dey make it look on tv! Its hard work and der r days ur gonna wanna pull ur hair out (or ur bf/gf's hair). Right now, i wanna pull out his cos i changed my hair just yesterday so its still too pretty to be messed with :)

Seriously though, dont get into a relationship for daft reasons like the person's "cute" or "hot", or even "nice". cos if the person's cute, just hug em. if it's hot, make out! and if its nice, buy a bloody card saying "You're nice"!

Friday, October 17, 2008

JUMP mehn!

Lol. trust me to start my blog in an odd way. "JUMP mehn!" is a popular saying in my college. its something that is said for one reason only; to annoy the hell outta people! LOL! The "JUMP" is capitalised cause that's the stressed word. I will have you know that its one of my fav sayings in the whole world!

Well i started this blog cos i read a friend's this morning and it looked fun plus Fridays are the days i have no classes at all so its a good way to pass time. after this i will play SIMS 2! Jeez i love the weekend which for me starts on Thursday (never fail to stress that to all my friends. lmao!). i start it by checking my mail and facebook then playing Sims 2 for an obscene amount of time.

I'm a boring person. boring but fab. its strange but its the truth. well i am just blabbing today. and really looking forward to playin Sims so i'mma bust out now. But b4 i go, to all who read this, please have a lovely weekend (yeah i can be sugar sweet :P) and u know wats coming next; "JUMP mehn!"