Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Way I See It...

Social networking was intended to be a good thing but so many people now use it to display their ignorance. On Twitter, #thewayiseeit is trending and imagine my surprise that quite a number of people tweeted things that made sense! Here are some real nice ones I wanna share. I'll just do my favorite ten in no particular order.


1. Everything in this life is temporary. Keep your eyes on the price; getting to heaven! That's eternal.
2. Excuses are present where effort isn't.
3. Positive thinking equals positive results. Keep God first and you'll be blessed.
4. You Have To Give Respect To Get It.
5. In order to be successful you must have tough skin. If a few haters can rattle you then you not ready for success.
6. You shouldn't hold onto someone that doesn't want to be held.
7. Your friends are a reflection of you. They should make you better. You are the company you keep.
8. Social networks don't mess up relationships. Twitter & Facebook just give you a platform & people display their own ignorance.
9. Love all, trust few & do wrong to no one.
10. You can't make someone change; they have to want to.

(Most of them are retweets. I only take credit for no. 1)


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Beyonce "Why Don't You Love Me" video starring Tara & Bella!!!

So today, we decided to do something fun and Bee came up with the idea that we should shoot a video to Beyonce's "Why Don't You Love Me".

We made up, got dressed and filmed performances to the song with Kimmy alone! Kimmy is my MacBook for those not knowing. After filming, I edited the shots using Final Cut Pro and viola! :D

Please watch, LIKE and COMMENT! We spent all day on this project. It's the least y'all can do! Hope you like xxx

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Flaws and All

How many have seen the Tara and Bella video on Flaws? Did you like it? We've gotten some good feedback and before I start, I just wanna say a big thank you to all those who watched the video and got back to us. Much appreciated. If you haven't seen it, check it out here!!!

In this world where majority are dying to be perfect, I think it's important for those of us that have our heads right to let people know the following things.

1. No one is perfect. Even Beyonce who I think is absolutely gorgeous complains constantly about her ears. Everyone has something on their bodies that they would trade and what's funnier, everyone has something on their body that they hate meanwhile, someone else absolutely loves it!

2. There is only one you and you were made the way you were for a special purpose. So stop trying to change so much. If you ask me, what people should work on changing about themselves is what's inside and not what is on the outside. A beautiful soul has much more value than a beautiful body or face. If that sounds like blab to you, consider this; when you die (which we all will someday!), that body you are so obsessed with making perfect will be buried in the sand and rot. Yes, your body, God made it out of sand and it will go back to being sand eventually no matter how good looking it is.

3. Confidence makes you sexy. Have you ever been out with that friend you know you look much better than yet she gets all the attention? It's the way she carries herself! Men are attracted to women who are confident with themselves. When you feel sexy, you are automatically sexy (to someone).

4. One man's trash, next man's treasure. This isn't to discount the last point but we do admit that some men are just shallow and you can be confident all you want but if you are more than a size 4, they won't send you. Well that's them! Don't let anyone put you down. What they don't see, someone else will. In this life, everyone won't like you. Accept that.

5. Love yourself. It starts with YOU. If you can't accept that body, own that flab and crooked nose, then you'll be miserable for a long time. Ignore the "reality" shows you see of people getting plastic surgery and suddenly having this new look on life. It's BULL. It starts now. You have to love you whichever way you are.

So my lovelies, these are the things we must know! I was inspired to do this by a post I just read on one of my favorite blogs. Check it out here. She goes as far as actually putting up pictures of her body as it is. Kudos girl! For me, I'll just list out the flaws of my body; flaws I'm learning to love/ accept.

*My gap tooth. I've never liked it and I often consider using braces to close the gap.
*Lips. I feel like my lips could be a little less thicker.
*Ears. I have ears that stick out but these I now love cause my Daddy has the same ears so it's our thing :)
*#TeamSuckBelleMakeTheShirtFine!!! Even with my recent weight loss, I still haven't been able to get rid of all the stomach fat!
*Butt. It's soft and that is nice but I wish there was more there. LOL

So you see? We ALL have flaws. Own yours! Xxx

Showing off my gap-tooth :)

RIP Charlie Wilson & Levi

If there's anything that is sure in this life, it is death.
So why are we taken by surprise when people leave us?
Probably because we know it happens but we still never expect it to happen to us or those we know.

If there is anything we surely know about the heart of man,
That would be its capacity for wickedness.
Yet, man's wickedness surprises me all the time.

I've tried to prepare myself for horrible things 'cause all is not rosy in life.
But how do you prepare for someone you know, someone you saw almost everyday,
Getting shot in the head and left on the road to die?

How do you prepare for getting the news?
How do you stop yourself crying even as you know it won't bring him back?
How do you say "there's a time to live and a time to die?" when you never expected his time to come so soon?

Life is so volatile.
That's why we shouldn't ever take anything or anyone for granted.
Live everyday like it's the last, love everyone like you'll never see them again.

RIP Charles (Charlie Wilson) & Levi, gunned down September 4th, 2011.

L-R: Charles and Levi

Things We should Know before (or by) 30

I just read this post off "Dark Matters", a blog by Chinelo Onwualu. It's titled Things I Know at 30. 
Not only is she an amazing writer, this particular post is real good and I think, a must read for we young ladies so I decided to share.

Enjoy! xxx

Things I Know at 30- Chinelo Onwualu

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tara & Bella discuss Flaws

Hi guys! Been a while. I am seriously lacking in inspiration to write but I have been enjoying time in front of the camera. This is a video me and my sister did sometime last month and editing and uploading has taken FOREVER but it is finally done :)

Please watch with an open mind. We are not Oprah, Tyra nor Mo (from Moments with Mo) and we don't think we are! This is for fun and like we said, we will continue if and only if you guys like it and LET US KNOW!

Enjoy. Bella gets deep from the middle all the way to the end! LOL

P.s I did the editing myself so critique that too so I can get better :*

Friday, September 2, 2011

Kim and I- Left Out

I'm watching Kourtney and Kim Take New York and it's the episode where Khloe comes into town for the opening of NYC Dash. Do not judge me! I'm on a long holiday in ABUJA and I have a limited social life. What else will I do??? Anyways, Khloe and Kourt are super close and Khloe's arrival has Kim feeling left out. For those who watch the show, you know Kim's the sorta quiet one that tends to blend in the background...when you ignore her behind and amazing looks!

Anyhoooo, I can totally relate to how poor Kimmy was feeling in this episode. That was my life in my final semester in college. You see, me and my AUN bff were super close and sort of fenced everyone out. We were in our own little world. In my final semester however, our little world had guests and one was particularly invasive. Not only was she our roommate, she and my bff became so close I started to feel left out.

Check this. In this episode, Khloe and Kourtney ditch Kim to go and check out the store even though she was right behind em. She only went to get her purse. By the time she comes out, they are gone and Kourt's excuse when Kim calls her is "I thought you were tired so we left without you". This happened to me too! We all go to a party and I'm outside waiting for em when we are all partied out but somehow, they leave me and head back to school thinking "I'd already left". Why would I leave and not tell them if we all came together?

There are so many other instances I felt proper left out and sad but just like Kim, I never confronted em about it and I didn't have a Scott (Kourt's boyfriend who eventually tells Kourt and Khloe how Kim is feeling) to speak for me. Instead I just let myself withdraw into a sad shell.

I'm not telling this story cause I'm still harbouring ill feelings over the whole thing oh! Gosh, that would be stupid. It was a while ago and I've never been good at holding on to stuff anyways. Just the episode reminded me, and my boredom prompted me to write about it.

P.S The Kardashians are much but my gosh, are they an amazing looking bunch!