Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sliding Into the 20s Club

So from my last post (if you're a true reader of this blog!) you probably already know that last week Tuesday (Feb 1) was my 20th birthday. It was an amazing day, with amazing photos, that I have decided to share with you.

The day started off with an argument with Colin. I think he has a thing for drama on special days (his birthday, Christmas...thankfully he freed New Years!) but I refused to let my day be ruined by anything. Even easier when I have my ball of fun and energy around me. Cynthia gave the minute I turned 20 so much hype with a video and hugs and kisses. She was the first person I spoke to in my 20s. Nice start :)

After that, C and I went to bed. We had a lot to drink night before and the fact that we were still standing was actually amazing! Before bed, Mum called and I already got texts coming in and people on Twitter and Facebook showing love. It's amazing how much love you feel on your birthday. In the morning, we kicked off nice with music in the room (they let my playlist run! That never happens cause my songs are somewhat...odd to others). I also took my first picture as a 20 yr old and damn this age looks good on me!

My birthday was a hot day! And luckily for me, I had no classes that day (AUN's gift) so I really spent most of the day indoors. Udoka dropped by and oh well, that resulted in a makeup session and lots of pictures and videos. The videos...oh wow. You want to see but I don't want you to! Highly crazy and therefore highly personal :P Here's a picture though (L-R Udoka, Cynthia and me).
After the fun time indoors, evening finally came. That's when Cynthia and I headed out to pick up the cake and buy drinks for the evening. The plan was to go out to dinner with my girls in this cute restaurant we saw in town, and then after dinner, drink up with the boys. We were already very behind schedule though so by the time everyone would have been ready, the restaurant would have closed. Change of plans and the new plan was Fire Service. Quite yucky a place especially after the cute restaurant but the new me is determined not to let what I can't change affect me. That also goes for Colin's attitude which was less than pleasant and which I also chose to ignore! He had apologized earlier in the day but I guess his ego was still bruised. Men. SMH.

I didn't have a lot of people come out for my birthday cause I didn't want a lot of people. I should be a people-person with the career I'm headed into but I find myself running away from people these days. I normally like to either be alone or be with Cynthia or Colin as far as AUN goes. Of course I wasn't going to spend my day with only them. So I had a few people come too. Stephanie (Cynthia's sister), Medinat, Kami, Ope, Cynthia and I made the girls. And the guys were Colin, Deji, Tesan, Martin, Ike and Gozie. My birthday crowd was actually a perfect one.

The girls definitely looked too dressed up for Fire Service but we did not send! if there is anything me and my girls do right, it's looking fabulous no matter what and ESPECIALLY for fabulous occasions.
At fire service, we CHILLED. Drinks, fish, laughs and soooo many pictures. When the alcohol was working, even Colin loosened up and started to enjoy himself. Good for him cause I was just gonna keep ignoring him if he remained in a bad mood! When it was time to cut the cake, I cut it with Cynthia and nobody enjoyed that cake more than she did! Now I know where I'm getting her birthday cake in the next two months!

After cake, to finish the last bottle, Colin started up the Concentration Game. That made me happy. And it was fun. When you slip, you drink. Think I slipped twice. Stephanie slipped a lot! Cynthia and Colin never slipped. Wonder how...

After the game and the emptying of the bottle, we were all ready to go back to school. In ONE car. Sheesh!

See more pictures from my amazing day on Facebook:

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