Saturday, May 7, 2011

The End and the Beginning; the week of TERROR!!!

I missed blogging. I have just been way too busy this past week. No blogging, no Tumblr, no Facebook, nothing! It's been work work WORK! And so you don't think, "yeah yeah, what work could she have been doing?", I'm gonna list em out. And I am not exaggerating!

P.S Everything I'm listing had to be turned in this week. Or, was done this week.

My two active (LOL) SDP group members and I
*Senior Design Project (SDP) which is basically a test in form of a project to access if you have really learned anything in the four years in your program. I'm studying TV/ Film as some of you may know and my SDP was to produce a thirty minute show featuring news, music, fashion, an interview with a personality and finally, the community expressions or thoughts.
         Thankfully I didn't have to do this alone! We were paired in groups and I worked with 4 others (2 if you really count the people that WORKED) to produce an amazing show which was finally presented to the Communications and Multimedia (CMD) faculty yesterday afternoon. IT WENT GREAT! :D

*A thirty page script (Act One only) of a story I created and developed myself. This was for my Scriptwriting class. I actually really enjoyed this so it wasn't so much work but it was still pretty tasking and it kept me busy.

*A short dramatic movie that I had to shoot, direct and edit. Final project for Film Directing class. Started working on that late and it didn't pay. I will NEVER wait till the last minute again to get my work done. NEVER!!! Also had a take home exam in this course that I turned in this past week.

*Two written exams; INF and SBE. SBE was not cool, INF was super!

Now you get the "week of terror" drift. It didn't help that I was also having boyfriend troubles upon all the work. Thank gosh that's sorted now though :)

This past week, I haven't slept decently. When it all ended yesterday, I felt like I should just pass out flat and sleep for a 100 years like Sleeping Beauty did but then, I'd miss a lot plus I am quite the restless type so I probably couldn't pull that off. I am SOOOO exhausted right now and yet, I can't help but stay awake, watching movies and now, blogging.

Then again, it could just be because my room is really uncomfortable that I can't sleep. Damn the man who was supposed to come fix this AC.

Spring 2011 is over. FINALLY! Like Michael said on the bus today, "this semester did not have head or tail". LOL. I won't put it in those words but his point, which is the oddity of this semester, is one I definitely agree with. I don't think there is a soul happier than mine about the end of this semester!
         Next up is summer school starting on Monday. Wish I could have a proper break between this semester and summer school; go home or something but it's all good! I'm a survivor.
         Graduation in 8 days! At last, I put on that gown and walk proudly. Four years, especially in a school like mine, in a town like is not beans. Not at all.

Peace and love people. Pray for me to get some sleep! Xxx

Break from editing in the lab to pose for the camera!
During the SDP presentations.

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