Sunday, June 19, 2011

30 Day Challenge (Day 17, 18 & 19)

There is no rule you have to do this daily right? As long as you go through all the days at least. That should count for something. Lol.

Day 17; Your highs and lows of the past year

I'll start with highs.
*Meeting and falling for my boyfriend. I love being in love :)
*Summer last year; got to see family I hadn't seen in a while and so on.
*Getting trimmer and finer. LOL
*Turning 20. It's rather nice not to have an age that ends with "teen"
*And finally, getting rid of all the extra baggage in my life, literally and figuratively speaking.

Now the lows...
*Falling for Colin. Yes, love is a high and a low if you ask me!
*Realizing certain people in my life were hurting me more than they were helping me.
*Extended periods of time in Yola (LOL.That's the only way I know how to put it).

Thank God I've had more highs than lows! If I was doing this list a few years back, oh my days.

Day 18; Your beliefs

Shoo. Beliefs on what? I really do need to contact the fellow who put this 30 day challenge together. My beliefs...

I believe everyone has the ability to make themselves happy. I believe in love. I believe Michael Jackson never touched little boys; they were just pure sleepovers. I believe that if nobody talks about you, it's worse than when they do. I BELIEVE IN HATERS. I believe there's a difference between love and true love and you only get the latter from God and your parents (or children). Humans aren't really capable. I believe it's easy to feel lonely but it's just as easy not to. Lastly, I believe in ME. I believe in my future, my very bright future.

Day 19; Disrespecting your parents

I'm guessing what is expected is my view on disrespecting parents. Funny I get to this on Father's day. Yes, today is Father's Day for those of you who didn't know.

Anyways, I think disrespecting your parents is the worst. I don't like to disrespect anyone in the first place, talk less of older people and TALK LESS of your PARENTS. The people who brought you into this world, nutured you and loved you UNCONDITIONALLY. I feel that if you disrespect your parents, you disrespect God and even your own self. I also feel there is a karmic reward for disrespecting parents; when you have your own kids, they won't respect you too!

Eleven more days left in my challenge (and in the month). Is it just me or is time flying at a crazy pace this year?!


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